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Free Monitoring program that connects to various energy monitoring
Your vote:
Crispin Proctor
License type:
1 / 2
Download link is unavailable since the product is discontinued

Monitoring program that connects to various energy monitoring devices and downloads their data. Once connected, it will continuously monitor your energy usage.
Main features:
-View your energy usage in real time.
-Compare your energy usage to last week or last month.
-Enter billing information and see what your next electricity bill might be.*
-Setup different graphs to view your usage averages, peaks and lows.
-View your carbon footprint.
-You can import energy usage from other energy monitors such as DIYKyoto's Holmes.
-If your energy monitor stopped working for a short period, you can recreate lost energy usage.
-Connect online and view your energy usage online.**
-View your energy usage from anywhere with an internet connection
-Compare your usage to other people.
-Have more than one energy monitor (holiday home?) and allow you to compare them both.
-Share your energy usage with friends via FaceBook.
-View your usage using iGoogle or Vista gadgets.
-Create your own applications to read your data into your website.



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